Welcome to The Bobbediest & Flapper Dapperiest Filmed Entertainments of 2012, now known as – The Bobbies!!!!!!!!!!
1) Bae Donna as Sonmi-451 in Cloud Atlas – there were actually numerous beautifully bobbed clone gals in this movie, but Bae Doona was above and BEYOND them all AND above and beyond the clouds!!
2) Golshifteh Farahani as Irâne in Chicken with Plums – one of my biggest 2012 movie regrets was NOT seeing this. will be rectified as soon as bobbedly possible
3) The Macau Casino Employees in Skyfall – um, why don’t all casinos look like this????
4) Meg Chambers Steedle as Billie Kent on Boardwalk Empire – still disappointed in the lack of proper bobs on the show, but we’re pretty bent on Billie Kent!
5) Gaelle Oilleau as a hotel maid in Taken 2 – she’s in the movie for maybe 2 seconds, but it was the best 2 seconds of the whole movie (cause the movie’s awful!
6) Charlyne Yi as Jodi in This Is 40 – they should have cut everyone else out of the movie and just renamed it This Is Bobbed!!!!!
7) Kate Dickie as Ford in Prometheus – her bob was out of this world, literally AND figuratively
8) Sam Spruell as Finn in Snow White and the Huntsman – what, a man can’t have an awesome bob???
previously – The 2011 Bobbies