Mill worker’s children eating watermelon on porch of rented house. Six miles north of Roxboro, North Carolina, July 1939 by Dorothea Lange
Mill worker’s children eating watermelon on porch of rented house. Six miles north of Roxboro, North Carolina, July 1939 by Dorothea Lange
Hazel Rogers (and Monty Westmore) styling Olivia de Havilland on the set of Gone With The Wind
Girls Scouts Bakery Sale, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1939
children taking bath in their home in community camp. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma photo by Russell Lee, July 1939
Juniors in float during Degree of Honor parade, 1939
Alfred Hitchcock, wife Alma Reville and daughter Pat, upon their arrival in Los Angeles in on April 4, 1939
Nelson Eddy and Virginia Bruce are a thing in 1939′s Let Freedom Ring
a staging for a 1939 Oscars newsreel had Hattie McDaniel standing by a table laden with awards – her best supporting actress plaque is up front
heads up by play by members of Preston Ladies Football Club at a training session in 1939
a man and woman kissing while geared to a lie detector machine to measure the emotional reaction, 1939