two Susan Haywards > one Susan Hayward
two Susan Haywards > one Susan Hayward
Margaret Sullavan is all smiles in 1940′s The Shop Around the Corner
St Patrick’s Day parade float, Brisbane, Queensland, 1940
these ladies are super bowlers
Packard one ten, eighteenth series, model 1800, 6-cylinder, 100-horsepower, 122-inch wheelbase, 2-person business coupe, 1940
Robert Wadlow, a giant among the orange pickers, Miami, 1940
Had Chosun Hotel, Seoul, Korea, 1940. The woman in the left edge is dancer Choi Seung-hee 최승희
Donna Reed for MGM, 1940
the American ice skater Irving Jaffe giving instructions to hockey players on false ice in New York, September 17, 1940
Barbara Stanwyck relaxes on a golf course with her husband Robert Taylor and Clark Gable, 1940