no one stacks up to the Master Happy Birthday Hitch!!!
Alfred Hitchcock
‘Hans. Hitch, Alma, Jack, Ada. a Hun. Germany 1924 Oct’ The gang on a day out in Germany, where they were filming the The Blackguard (or perhaps The Pleasure Garden) and […]
Number Seventeen is probably my number seventeen-zillionth favorite Hitchcock movie (which means it’s no were close to the top). boy oh boy was this movie so uneven, and mostly uninteresting […]
if you’ve never seen Hitchcock’s Rope, you might as well not have eyes
caught my first set of Hitchcocks at Film Forum’s ‘Complete’ film series last night, which paired one of his British films with a Hollywood one, where well off couples have their […]
Film Forum’s ‘The Complete Hitchcock’ series – screening EVERY single one of the Master of Suspense’s (existing) works – begins today and runs through March 27 SEE YOU THERE EARLY AND […]
Joan & Hitch
Alfred Hitchcock with his granddaughters Mary Alma ,& Teresa, daughter Pat, [son-in-law Joseph O’Connell?], and wife Alma, taken in August 1956
stroboscopic multiple exposures of director Alfred Hitchcock (August 13, 1899 – April 29, 1980) on the set of 1942′s Shadow of a Doubt by Gjon Mili
Norah Baring & Herbert Marshall get caught up in Hitchcock’s Murder!, released in the UK on July 31, 1930