amused by the amusements
amused by the amusements
Huff Family Reunion, held at Fontaine Ferry Park, Louisville, Kentucky, August 13, 1933
Hilarity Hall’s Wheel of Fun, Fontaine Ferry Park, Louisville, Kentucky
Human Pool Table ride, Coney Island, New York
coasting thru life
Abe Solomon and unidentified woman, Dominion Amusement Park, Montreal I’m in Montreal right now!
rock it, by Lake Rhoda at Lakeside Amusement Park, Lakeside, Colorado, June 2, 1937
Mary Nolan feels boxed in in 1930′s Young Desire
I fell hard for Mary Nolan in 1930′s Young Desire (shown at the MoMA as part of their excellent Son of Universal: More Rediscovered Gems from the Laemmle Years film series), […]
an orchestra on a Lakeside Amusement Park roller coaster, Lakeside, Colorado, 1934 I’m in Denver right now!!!