interpretive dancing around the Depew Memorial Fountain in University Park, Indianapolis on April 21, 1926, marking the 10th anniversary of the fountain. Gardeners in the park dropped their trowels and […]
interpretive dancing around the Depew Memorial Fountain in University Park, Indianapolis on April 21, 1926, marking the 10th anniversary of the fountain. Gardeners in the park dropped their trowels and […]
Lejaren Hiller cover for Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction Pulp, April 21, 1928
Ralph Morgan and Dorothy Appleby see eye to eye in Trick For Treat, which opened in theaters on April 21, 1933
toffee apples!!!!!!! April 21, 1935
Muriel Evans (July 20, 1910 – October 26, 2000) top – skipping rope with Mary Carlisle bottom – Miss Eileen Percy (right) lounging in deck chair wearing a new sports hat […]
Dorothy Meyers & ladies at the Miss Carthay Circle Theatre, April 21, 1927
Easter egg rolling on the White House lawn, April 21, 1924