Essie Davis as Phryne Fisher in Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries
Essie Davis as Phryne Fisher in Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries
thehystericalsociety: Jean Lindsay, ca. 1900-1912, by Lionel Lindsay by State Library of New South Wales collection on Flickr.
Aussie awesomeness! sydneyflapper: Again with the fabuous Art Deco trio in gowns from Coutura Vintage (I’m wearing a light chiffon day dress that I put on so I could move […]
Gabrielle Delacour – the great gasp-y
Olivia Newton-John (September 26, 1948 – ) by David Mist, in Centennial Park, Sydney, Australia, 1969
katielouiseford: Soldier’s goodbye & Bobbie the cat, ca. 1939-ca. 1945 / by Sam Hood by State Library of New South Wales collection on Flickr.
chorus line rehearsal, by Sam Hood
Kodak Women’s Basketball team, Abbotsford, Australia, about 1932. The team would practice at lunch and after hours MARCH MADNESS!!!!
children riding a horse to school, Glass House Mountains, Queensland, 1928