dontbesodroopy: Maggie Smith as Miss Bowers from Death on the Nile, photographed by Snowdon (1978)
Lynne Carver, Wanda Perry, Jane Hamilton, and Helen Wood wearing costumes as Goldwyn Girls from the 1934 film Kid Millions
Charles-Édouard Jeanneret Le Corbusier (October 6, 1887 – August 27, 1965) and his collaborators by Willy Rizzo
hanky panky
Betsy King Ross, circa 1933
Nicholas D Logothelis and the staff of the Central Cafe, Blackall, Australia 1929
Clara Bow’s nose knows photo by Eugene Robert Richee
alwaysalwaysalwaysthesea: Edna (my grandmother) in bow tie, knickers, and striped stockings! 1920s.