I’ll be dammed!Washington State, 1931
I’ll be dammed!Washington State, 1931
things are on the up and up for Colleen Moore and her contractor
ziegfeld-follies: Ziegfeld Group Photo C. Early 1920s
wives and children all pitch in to help build up and maintain their El Monte homesteads, because if they pass the government’s probationary period by showing good results they will […]
women pose in front of a Butchertown building damaged by the great San Francisco earthquake of 1906, which struck at 5:12 am, Wednesday, April 18 plenty more photos can be found here […]
from our brother site… quietonthesets: it’s Safety Last! when climbing this abandoned Los Angeles building,1923 read more about the building and how the scene was filmed [pdf]
building the Dolls’ Health House. Miss Martha Evan’s First Grade class, West Fifth Street School, Mansfield, Ohio, 1920s