Sir Gerald du Maurier, at Cannon Hall, Hampstead, with his two daughters, Jeanne and the teenage Daphne, 1923
Sir Gerald du Maurier, at Cannon Hall, Hampstead, with his two daughters, Jeanne and the teenage Daphne, 1923
bobs for every generation!
The Lloyds love a good game of croquet, 1938
Mrs Harry M. (Sade) Rhoads and daughters Mary Elizabeth and Harriet
Mrs Sade Rhoads, and her daughters Mary Elizabeth and Harriet, pose with a tricycle outside the family home at 642 Logan Street, Denver, Colorado, 1924 photo by Harry Mellon Rhoads
proud papa of bobbed-haired ladies
ridesabike: Eddie Cantor rides a trike, pulled by two of his daughters. Happy Father’s Day from Rides a Bike!
Katharine Martha Houghton Hepburn and four of her six children, including daughter Katharine Houghton Hepburn on the right
father knows best & knows bobs!
beach moms & daughters