a feather in her cap, AND THEN SOME!!
a feather in her cap, AND THEN SOME!!
Les Soeurs Papilles / The Papilles Sisters photo by Eve Saint Ramon
fair-weather friendby Charles Gates Sheldon
Betty, boops!
Myrna Loy plumes like a peacock by Max Munn Autrey, 1930
fair feathered merrymaking in front of Austria’s Parliament in Vienna, June 1929 photo by Lothar Rübelt
Madge Bellamy is a girl who plays with feathers in 1928′s The Play Girl, much to the delight of Anita Garvin and Walter McGrail
gmgallery: Laura La Plante, c. 1925 www.stores.eBay.com/GrapefruitMoonGallery
Stacia Napierkowska on a 1923 cover of Paris Plaisirs
Miss Gladys Quincy in January 1929 issue of Paris Plaisirs