Olivia de Havilland has open ears
Olivia de Havilland has open ears
Southern Cross – Atlantic Flight – two women operating radio equipment, 1930
Atwater Kent, standing by radio, and seven other people listening to the radio, in the Hamilton Hotel, Washington, D.C. photo by Herbert French
Jean and Myrtle Cheers listening to a crystal set radio in their backyard, Brunswick, Christmas 1923. The set was made by their brother Ronald Cheers, when he was 20
José Iturbi, noted Spanish pianist, was host to 80 children at the Barbizon-Plaza, New York, at a Thanksgiving Party given under the auspices of the music division of the National […]
Clara Horton tuned in on a concert with her receiver, decorated with photos of Corinne Griffith and Colleen Moore, 1925