John Breeden and Lola Lane are too busy to take the call in Fox Movietone Follies of 1929
John Breeden and Lola Lane are too busy to take the call in Fox Movietone Follies of 1929
Abe Lyman, Bessie Love, Mary Lawlor, Lola Lane and Penny Singleton make sweet music and brings Good News (1930)
lobby card for the Fox Movietone Follies of 1929, starring Dixie Lee, Lola Lane, Sue Carol and John Breeden
lobby card for the Fox Movietone Follies of 1929, starring Sharon Lynn and Lola Lane
lobby card for the Fox Movietone Follies of 1929, starring Lola Lane, Sue Carol, John Breeden, Sharon Lynn and Dixie Lee
feeling faint in 1930′s Good News