Colleen Moore and Cyril Chadwick take to the stage in A Church Mouse, El Capitan Theater, Los Angeles, April 1932
Colleen Moore and Cyril Chadwick take to the stage in A Church Mouse, El Capitan Theater, Los Angeles, April 1932
it’s all smiles until the alligator bites your head off, at Luna Park Alligator Farm, at 3800 North Mission Road, Lincoln Heights, Los Angeles, California
having ‘fun’ with alligators at the Luna Park Alligator Farm, at 3800 North Mission Road, Lincoln Heights, Los Angeles, California
getting into hot water with some Mack Sennett Bathing Beauties
The Jail Café, located at 4212 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles. A ‘jailer’ watches from a guard tower on the roof. Below the tower, a sign reads: ‘Dancing. Famous for their […]
Miss Eunice Pringle testified at Pantages’ hearing that she went to the room to discuss the booking of her vaudeville act and that she removed her jacket because the tiny […]
Dressed fit to fly – Anita Page, Metro-Goldywn-Mayer player, shows six correct costumes for aviation. You may wear a pair of linen trousers with brown boots and a brown leather […]
coming to Los Angeles to star in a First National picture called Babe Comes Home, George Herman Ruth, the King of Swat, is greeted at the train by a group […]
exterior view of The Tamale, a restaurant specializing in Hispanic foods, located at 6421 Whittier Boulevard in the city of East Los Angeles, this structure went on to become Charley’s […]
a sunny Christmas Day, Los Angeles, 1925