best movie title EVER
best movie title EVER
best movie title ever – Bobbed Hair!!!!!!
Marie Prevost and her hair are torn between John Roche, and Reed Howes in 1925′s Bobbed Hair
Marie Prevost takes a sit in the greatest named movie EVER – 1925′s Bobbed Hair
Marie Prevost is On to Reno (1928)
movie herald for the 1925 Marie Prevost feature Bobbed Hair
things get hair for Louise Fazenda, Kenneth Harlan, Marie Prevost, John Roche, Emily Fitzroy and Reed Howes in Bobbed Hair (1925)
a cut above
master hairdresser Antoine de Paris (aka as Monsieur Antoine) was no fan of Colleen Moore or Louise Brooks’ bobbed dos He found Colleen’s famous square bob cut to be heavy, a […]
gmgallery: Marie Prevost (1920s) www.stores.eBay.com/GrapefruitMoonGallery