Elsie Larson and June Vlasek in playful mood at Malibu, California. June Vlasek, 18, is graduating from Beverly Hills High School and Miss Larson, until a few weeks ago, was […]
May 25
Pearl Smiddy, Yolanda Freyre & Cecil Smiddy are game, set, matched, May 25, 1926
Aimee Semple McPherson seated with the Angelus Temple band on May 25, 1929. The band and choir were expected to go on a crusade next Eastertide, according to preliminary plans […]
Paramount Motion Picture School winners, May 25, 1925
cover to the May 25th, 1918 issue of Country Gentleman, by William Shewell Ellis yes she (watering) can!!!
hopeless hopefuls? flyingstrong: Applicants to Paramount Motion Picture School. The school will be housed in the Paramount Eastern Studio at Astoria, Long Island May 25, 1925. Washington, D.C.