A Little Hopi Girl by Otis Polelonema
A Little Hopi Girl by Otis Polelonema
Osage Nation family at Glen Cove on Pikes Peak, Colorado, August 16, 1932
Osage Nation members Mr Red Eagle, little Miss Julia Red Eagle, Miss Rose Wagoshe, and Miss Mary Red Eagle
a Thanksgiving pageant, circa 1910
pogphotoarchives: Pottery firing demo, Indian Village, Painted Desert Exhibit, San Diego Exposition, California Photographer: Jesse NusbaumDate: 1915Negative Number 060447 Native American bobs!
an instructor is teaching Seminole Indian women in Florida how to play contract bridge, Everglades, January 15, 1935
Secretary of the Interior Hubert Work with two children of the Blackfeet tribe, June 7, 1923
native bobbian?
The Huntress (First National, 1923). This rare double panel one sheet features incredibly beautiful stone litho art of Colleen Moore by legendary illustration artist Hal Phyfe. The film tells the […]
Southwestern regionalist Alice Corbin Henderson with two Native American Tesuque women at the House of Navajo Religion, a museum she helped establish, 1920s