Fredric March, Best Actor winner for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde at The 5th Academy Awards, with wife Florence Eldridge, Fiesta Room of the Ambassador Hotel, November 18, 1932
Fredric March, Best Actor winner for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde at The 5th Academy Awards, with wife Florence Eldridge, Fiesta Room of the Ambassador Hotel, November 18, 1932
Ruby Keeler is dangerously beautiful on the November 5, 1932 cover of Screen Weekly
José Iturbi, noted Spanish pianist, was host to 80 children at the Barbizon-Plaza, New York, at a Thanksgiving Party given under the auspices of the music division of the National […]
Our Mirror of Beauty – I laugh to see myself so beautiful photo by Glogau for the November 1932 issue of Paris Plaisirs