photo by Darling Studio of Ashland, Oregon
a good will tour of the Oregon Winter Sports Carnival with a queen and cortege of princesses today came to the White House in its swing around the country, March 8, 1940 […]
Alice Bates, James Waning, Arthur Bates – Dexter [Oregon] – about 1928
Dexter School – March 1928 Front Row: Lena Parmenter, Betty Vincent, Rosalie Parker, V’Ona Upton, Don Cameron Middle Row: Cecelia Cruzan, Frances Hunsaker, Paul Laird, Margaret Upton, Gussie Cruzan, Elizabeth […]
Salem, Oregon’s Capitol movie theater in 1928, showing 7th Heaven aka ‘The Greatest Picture Ever Made’ if you find yourself in Hollywood this summer, you can find out if that […]
four Oregon State University students get silly and lift their dresses in 1922
Jantzen Swimming Suits ad, 1920s the ad touts the brand’s users, including swimmers Duke Kahanamoku and Norman Ross, and diver Louis Kuehn, all of whom won gold in the 1920 Olympics […]