The Dolly Sisters in the revue Paris sans Voiles at the Café des Ambassadeurs, Paris, 1923 photo by James Abbe
Mistinguett in La Revue Mistinguett at the Moulin Rouge, 1925 photo by James Abbe
more than 500,000 people crowded the boardwalk in 1923 to witness the Bathers Revue, comprised of more than 1,000 bathing beauties and over a score of bands
Bert Smith’s New Revue, featuring Kay Hamilton, performing at The Globe Theatre, 725 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, 1931
scene from the Revue Wien lacht wieder (Vienna laughs again) by Fritz Gruenbaum and Karl Farkas, at the Neues Wiener Stadttheater, Vienna, 1926
Mademoiselle Claudiane and Gaad in Les Amazones, a revue of the Théâtre de Boulevard, in the pages of Paris Plaisirs, 1926
La Revue Ça C’est Du Nu au Moulin Bleu strut their stuff inside the pages Paris Plaisirs, 1927
sonme of ’Cochran’s Young Ladies’ weight their options, from a production by the English theatre impresario Charles Blake Cochran, 1925
Blackbirds practice their moves on a roof, 1926
The Norah revue dance girls during a Broadway show in New York, 1931