Buster busts a move in front of Rosalind Byrne
Buster busts a move in front of Rosalind Byrne
laughter truly is the best medicine
a cleaner, larger version of our gif we approve!
Best of What About Bobbed? – Year 1 December 2011… whataboutbobbed: Buster Keaton’s secretary [uncredited actress :(] huffs & puffs & types like there’s no tomorrow, in Seven Chances
NEW ICON ALERT!!! we love Buster Keaton’s Seven Chances secretary so dang much that we had little choice but to make her an/our icon!!
now that Buster Keaton’s Seven Chances secretary has got all that huffin’ & a puffin’ out of her system, it’s time to crack a lil smile!
Buster Keaton’s secretary [uncredited actress :(] huffs & puffs & types like there’s no tomorrow, in Seven Chances
quietonthesets: Buster Keaton has Seven Chances to get hitched to one of seven million brides by 7pm for seven million dollars at the Greater Page Temple Church, Los Angeles, 1925 777, the sign of […]
saw Seven Chances tonight. it was seven kinds of amazingness theloudestvoice: I believe that’s Rosalind Byrne. fuckyeahmodernflapper: ifwelivethatlong: Buster Keaton in “Seven Chances”. gladtoseeyou: frankly-my-dear: I adore this. Buster Keaton and…who’s she?? […]