someone forgot their jersey for team photo day!by Markham Studios, The Dalles, Oregon
team photo
Swimming Team, Harlem, 1925 by James Van Der Zee
Helen Feeney and her 1929 basketball team from Rockville (Maryland) High School
Oklahoma A&M (now Oklahoma State University) Women’s Field Hockey Team
Montgomery Blair High School tennis team, Silver Spring, Maryland, 1935
Rugby lasses
Longmont, Colorado girls basketball team standing – Mr Havely, Doris, Bette, Frieda, Martha, SBH kneeling – Ila Wolfe, Cecilia Hunt sitting – Mabel, Margaret, Beverly
Topeka Aces following their championship win, 1928 let the madness begin!
California ballers
The Women’s Water Polo team of Y. M. C. A. of Montreal, 1926