The 1928 Women’s Baseball Team from Howell top row – Morris Muschany, Lola Mades, Luella Zeyn, Mable Schneider, Helena Meier, Vera Sparenberg, Vera Sparenberg bottom row – Evelyn Knippenberg, Elva Bacon, […]
team photo
Denim Dolls softball team [via the crazzzzzzzy and very NSFW Internet K-Hole]
California members of the 1928 Olympic Team, taken on May 7, 1931 [don’t ask me why the ‘28 team had their photo taken in ’31, but that’s what the photo’s […]
bobbed ballers
Central High Rifle Team, May 29, 1925
BHS Girls Basketball Team, 1929 goodbye March Madness!
Brownsville Junior High School Basketball Team, Texas, 1926 March Madness/Radness!
The female team in the first two photos are the Fernie Swastikas, 1922 The other female team photo is of the Edmonton Swastikas, 1916 The two male teams are the Windsor […]
Kodak Women’s Basketball team, Abbotsford, Australia, about 1932. The team would practice at lunch and after hours MARCH MADNESS!!!!
Frenchburg High School basketball teams (top 1931, bottom left 1928, bottom right 1930)