the real Citizen Kane’s media empire turns 125!
On March 4, 1887, a young man named William Randolph Hearst placed his name on the masthead of the San Francisco Examiner as ‘Proprietor’ for the first time. It was, though no one realized it then, a historic event. One hundred and twenty five years later, Hearst has grown into one of the world’s most admired private media and information companies with some 200 businesses in more than 100 countries
William Randolph Hearst died in 1951, but his legacy, Hearst Corporation, has continued to grow and prosper. It is clear Hearst is a very different company than it was in 1887, but, in another sense, Hearst has not changed at all: Our company’s mission is still to inform, entertain and inspire. We are continuing a legacy of innovation—and a love of what’s next
above – Clark Gable, Carole Lombard, director Mervyn Le Roy and Hearst at Marion Davis’ circus party, circa 1937