top – Finger Wave #5. After completing the top of the head, the position of the hand is reversed, working around head and down to the base. Following the wave or ‘dip’ around the head matching them perfectly. As the present day mode calls for the wearing of ear jewels, the ears are left exposed with ‘cutie’ curls, formed in front. Care must be taken to arrange them in the manner which is most becoming to the type of face. The long ends are now ready for the roll
middle left -The operator starts work combing the curling fluid thoroughly through the hair, taking care to only apply if when the the wave is to be set. In this case the ends were not part of the wave, so they were left dry. In starting the wave, the first ‘dip’ is started about one inch from the part, allowing each wave of ‘dip’ to ‘set’ before the next is made. This is accomplished by holding the ‘dip’ between the fingers and holding the hand steady and firm, pressing hair into place
middle right – Finger Wave #4. The complete head is shown here. Note the perfect ‘Horse Shoe’ effect that is followed in laying the waves – the “dips” are sharply defined on the forehead. The long ends are rolled or coiled and held in place by pins. This mode is well adapted to a youthful face. Well rounded, even features. This wave was executed at the Columbia School of Hair Technology, under the supervision of Dr Johnson
bottom left – A long hair ‘Bob’ that gives rare beauty to a youthful face where the ‘fluff’ type of hair dress is preferred to the ‘flat’ or ‘set’ type. As marcelling is done with an iron it needs no time to dry or set and is often preferable for that reason, the time it takes to do it. In the model it is carried to the extreme ends of the hairmaking ringlet ends – as preferred by many as a little less ‘girlish’ effect. It may be held away from the face by pins, if so desired
bottom right – Marcel – with Long Hair #5. This model is particularly suited to the younger girls or small ladies who have very youthful features. This long curl (or back curl) gives a beautiful effect to a face that has the features of youth, and should be used only on that type. As seen by the model in this view, a slight upward look and the impressions given of the world-known picture star, Mary Pickford, after which the wave is named. Created by the Columbia School of Hair Technology. Chicago. Taken for a proposed set on hairdressing for Mr Lennigan