Religion: Bobbed Hair – Time magazine, Monday, June 2, 1930
For one moral and two practical reasons the Roman Catholic authorities at the Vatican decided last week that bobbed hair shall not exclude women from Catholic churches or from the Sacraments
The practical considerations were:
1) that hair-bobbing is now so general that it would be impossible to bar all women with shorn hair
2) that Catholic women ordinarily wear hats or veils in church. The moral point was finer: women may be admitted to churches if their hair dress is not ‘harmful to the integrity of Christian morals,’ that is, if it is not too conspicuous or exaggerated.†
† Many an individualistic woman of long ago bobbed her hair, viz., Joan of Arc, Lady Caroline Lamb (one of Byron’s friends), George Sand
above photo (not from the article) – Holy Rosary School, Denver, Colorado, 1930