This picture was contributed by Jonee Platt – below is her description of the photo:
This photo of my mother’s first grade class about 1929 or 1930 in Dryad. She is Clairce Duey, daughter of Henry and Esther Duey of Deep Creek
The names on the back as far as I can figure go in an ’S’ pattern from upper right corner to lower left.
Larine, Darold, Leroy, Eddie G., Henry A., Clayton, Corlun, David, Deloras, Lornce, Hick, Betty, Allen, Harry, Clarence W., Marie, Wane, Ivan,Clairce, Henry, Daisy, Dorothy, Ilean, Hazel, Gen, Grace, Beny, Clarnce S., Richerd, Frank, Jack, Budy, Edde, Eirl W., Walsa and the teacher Mrs. Radmaker.
Clairce Duey is the girl in the second row from the bottom on the left wearing the dark sweater and white blouse. The spelling is as it was written maybe by her brother. She was born in 1924 so the class is probably 1929 or 1930. Henry and Esther Duey are listed in Dryad on the 1930 census with son Robert age 8, Donald age 6 and Clairce age 5