Welcome to The Bobbediest & Flapper Dapperiest Filmed Entertainments of 2014, aka – The Bobbies!!!!!!!!!!
1) Emma Stone in Cabaret – BOWLESed over!!!
2) Yoojung & The Bob Girls – they marched to the beat of their own bobs
3) Heléne Yorke in Bullets Over Broadway – got Wood(y Allen)?
4) Olga Kurylenko in The November Man – what a calendar girl!
5) Katy Perry in her ‘This Is How We Do’ video – this is how she does
6) Patricia Arquette in Boyhood – aging gracefully!
7) Madeleine Rose Yen in Boardwalk Empire – a rose that blossomed!
8) Kristen Connolly in Houdini – a bob before the time of bobs, and she was so best as Bess!
9) Monsieur Gustave H’s elderly lady callers in The Grand Budapest Hotel – DARLING!
10) Joey King on TV’s Fargo – cold, yet cute!
honorable mentions go out to Mia Wasikowska in The Double & Sinéad O’Bobber & Amy Poehler for Old Navy + this lady from Boardwalk Empire – finally, a REAL bob on the show!
previously –