Dick Powell & Evelyn Keyes make time for 1947’s Johnny O’Clock
Dick Powell & Evelyn Keyes make time for 1947’s Johnny O’Clock
Virginia Field in 1947’s Dream Girl
Le Théâtre du Grand-Guignol – known as the Grand Guignol – was a Paris theater that specialized in naturalistic horror shows. It opened in 1897 and closed in 1962 anyone have a […]
Orphanage by Stanley Kubrick for Look magazine, 1947
Hollywood columnist Harry Crocker kisses the hand of actress Sally Eilers at a Filmland party, December 1947. photo by Nat Dallinger
heart target
Kathleen Byron (January 11, 1921 – January 18, 2009) kicking Sister Ruth truths
saw Black Narcissus last night. OH MY GAWD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bar nun, it’s the greatest nun movie, EVER!!!!
thank you It’s A Wonderful Life, for being probably the greatest movie of all time, and for always making me cry like a baby or like a grown adult
thank you Alfred Eisenstaedt (December 6, 1898 – August 24, 1995)