violins, not violence Betsy Varney and Jennifer Kersola of the Hoog-Leviton Suzuki Academy of Performing Arts in Des Plaines, Illinois. dated April 22, 1981
violins, not violence Betsy Varney and Jennifer Kersola of the Hoog-Leviton Suzuki Academy of Performing Arts in Des Plaines, Illinois. dated April 22, 1981
Jane Lapotaire (December 26, 1944 – ) with Ian McKellen & Judy Collins
thank you Steven Spielberg (December 18, 1946 – )
Diana Quick (November 23, 1946) with Jeremy Irons & Anthony Andrews in 1981’s Brideshead Revisited
Imogene Coca (November 18, 1908 – June 2, 2001)
Carrie Fisher (October 21, 1956 – ), the galaxy’s greatest princess
Karen Allen (October 5, 1951 – ) as Marion Ravenwood in Raiders of The Lost Ark
Molly Keane (July 20, 1904 – April 22, 1996)
whataboutbobbed: an 18-cent commemorative stamp honoring Edna St Vincent Millay was issued July 10, 1981, in Austerlitz, New York, where Ms Millay’s farmstead, Steepletop, is located. Both she and her […]
an 18-cent commemorative stamp honoring Edna St Vincent Millay was issued July 10, 1981, in Austerlitz, New York, where Ms Millay’s farmstead, Steepletop, is located. Both she and her husband, […]