Louise Brooks’ ‘cameo’ in La La Land
Ana de Armas and Ryan Gosling go for a ride in 2016′s Blade Runner 2049
Rooney Mara, Michael Fassbender and Ryan Gosling in Terrence Malick’s Song to Song
Welcome to The Bobbediest & Flapper Dapperiest Entertainments of 2016… aka – The Bobbies!!!!!!!!!! 1) Samantha Morton bobs in the name of evil in Fantastic Bobs and Where to Find Them […]
Katherine Waterston as Porpentina Goldstein in Fantastic Bobs and Where To Find Them
Genevieve O’Reilly as Mon Mothma in 2016′s Rogue One (which was really really really good!)
Fantastic Bobs & Where To Find Them – Alison Sudol as Queenie Goldstein edition
so nice to see Samantha Morton and her hair stuck in the 1920s again, as seen in Fantastic Bobs & Where To Find Them
Emma Stone Lifts Off in La La Land, in Oscar de la Renta dress, Beladora earrings, Larkspur & Hawk bracelet, Nicholas Kirkwood shoes photographed by Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott […]
Jess Wolfe and Holly Laessig of Lucius before performing with Roger Waters at Desert Trip, October 9, 2016 photo by Andy Keilen