Baptism Celebration to Maria Warma Mercado, April 23, 1927 photo by James Van Der Zee
Baptism Celebration to Maria Warma Mercado, April 23, 1927 photo by James Van Der Zee
sharing cherries, smiles, April 23, 1935
Eleanor Anthony, daughter of Rep and Mrs Daniel R Anthony of Kansas, at Society Circus, Ft Myer, Virginia, April 23, 1924
Fania Marinoff, Gertrude Stein, & Alice B Toklas and Miss Stein’s waistcoats, April 23, 1935
G Patrick Nelson’s cover art for the April 23, 1905 issue of Boston Sunday Post’s The Sunday Magazine 1905 bob!!
as part of the California Valencia Orange Show, Miss Anaheim contestants dive into 3 tons of oranges in City Park Pool (now known as Charles A Pearson Park) on April 23, […]