Montgomery Blair High School girls archery team, Silver Spring, Maryland, 1935
Montgomery Blair High School girls archery team, Silver Spring, Maryland, 1935
Michigan State Women’s Archery Team, 1930
Bow & arrow
STARS – THEY’RE JUST LIKE US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heart target
Ruth Hussey (October 30, 1911 – April 19, 2005) was such a hussey
bows & arrows, in the shadow of the Lincoln Memorial, September 26, 1929
Otl Aicher posters for the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich [with apologies to Levy’s Rye, these are our most favorite posters of all time. the archery one hangs on our living room […]
wonder if there’s one Clara amongst these bows
girls’ archery group with bows and arrows, Minnesota, 1935 or in today’s parlance, bitchez & bows!