a moment in time, September 7, 1925
a moment in time, September 7, 1925
Lillian Coogan Bernstein, newborn Robert Coogan, and brother Jackie Coogan
hey guys – great news – I HAD A BABY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! light posting to follow for awhile, but stay tuned. will be back in full force!!
Empire Marketing Board poster For Fresh Milk – Health Unto His Majesty by James Henry Dowd, 1926
they grow up too fast
Gloria Vanderbilt, age 2, held by her mother Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt shortly after the death of her father, Reginald Vanderbilt, 1926
The Pantagraph and Second Presbyterian Church of Bloomington, Illinois sponsored a three-day ‘Better Babies Conference’, May 7-9, 1929. Seen here are participants gathered around the registration table at Second Presbyterian. […]
baby mostly on board
City Hospital baby clinic, Washington state, June 30, 1931
some people need to be babied