Best In Peace Baby Peggy Diana Serra Cary, silent-film star ‘Baby Peggy’ who often cheated death on set, dies at 101

au revoir Anna K

Doris Kappelhoff, before she was Doris Day, was ready for a dancing recital in Cincinnati at the age of 6

Fay McKenzie can’t rest easy with Eddie Cantor lurking about in the revue Meet The People. photo by Herbert Gehr, 1940 Best In Peace Fay!!!

Agnès Varda (30 May 1928 – 29 March 2019)

farewell Julia Ruth Stevens (July 7, 1916 – March 9, 2019)

rest in peace Vitaphone Project Co-Founder Ron Hutchinson. thanks for your hard work to keep talkies talking be sure to check out

Goodbye, Carol!

Bernardo Bertolucci’s Il conformista (The Conformist) thank you BB

Mary Carlisle by Harvey White, for MGM, circa 1935 best in peace Mary!!