Welcome to The Bobbediest & Flapper Dapperiest Filmed Entertainments of 2014, aka – The Bobbies!!!!!!!!!! 1) Emma Stone in Cabaret – BOWLESed over!!! 2) Yoojung & The Bob Girls – they marched to […]
Welcome to The Bobbediest & Flapper Dapperiest Filmed Entertainments of 2014, aka – The Bobbies!!!!!!!!!! 1) Emma Stone in Cabaret – BOWLESed over!!! 2) Yoojung & The Bob Girls – they marched to […]
bobbedwalk Empire (via agracier)
so long Boardwalk Empire you had such bobbed promise, but didn’t really come thru on that promise (too many curly bobs, and not nearly enough Egyptian / Dutch Boy ones […]
Jo Armeniox‘s ‘work’ on season 4 of Boardwalk Empire …I STILL expect better bobs from this show!
Maddie Jo Landers’ ‘work’ on season 4 of Boardwalk Empire …I STILL expect better bobs from this show!
Welcome to The Bobbediest & Flapper Dapperiest Filmed Entertainments of 2012, now known as – The Bobbies!!!!!!!!!! 1) Bae Donna as Sonmi-451 in Cloud Atlas – there were actually numerous beautifully bobbed […]
Steve Buscemi (December 13, 1957 – )
Meg Chambers Steedle as Billie Kent on Boardwalk Empire [personally, don’t think BE does proper justice to bobs, but MCS as BK is udder bobbedliciousnessness!]