tallest to smallest
tallest to smallest
There were nine Watson children in all — born 300 yards from the Mack Sennett Studio in Hollywood’s Edendale area. The nine Watson children, Coy Jr., Vivian, Gloria, Louise, Harry, […]
Chico, Harpo, and Groucho Marx box in Virginia Grey in 1941′s The Big Store
bike for six – Enid, Raymond, Joyce, Keith, Val and Shirley Etherton, 1927
Eric and Edith Holmes Swenson’s children – Margaret, Virginia holding Eugene, Edith, Walt
Jackie Coogan holding his brand new brother – Robert, April 5, 1925
The Brothers Bobbed – Jerry and Charlie O’Connell
taking brother for a Piggly-Wiggly spin
six pairs of twins, all attending the Davidson Mains School in Edinburgh, September 17, 1936
The Bobbedslys