happy birthday Ida Ten Eyck O’Keeffe
happy birthday Ida Ten Eyck O’Keeffe
cheers – to me – it’s my birthday! the bright young things of London’s 1920s theatreland perform a 200-year-old Twelfth Night tradition. A knees-up of cake and wine was bequeathed […]
boozy luncheon, 1928
Jobyna Howland, Stanley Smith, Nancy Carroll and Mitzi Green get cooking in 1930′s Honey
Myrna Loy presents director W.S. Van Dyke with a birthday cake on the set of 1934′s Manhattan Melodrama speaking of – today’s my birthday!
eat, drink and be merry
Shirley Temple, left, cut the cake for the celebration of her eighth birthday as Grace Fields, an English actress, extended her plate, April 25, 1937, San Francisco (her birthday is […]
pickurselfup: Shirley Temple celebrates her birthday, c.1934
Dick Powell & Joan Blondell & Sybil Jason
Bette Davis, using a Russian Kozak sword, cuts the birthday cake at a party at the Hollywood Canteen, commemorating the 26th anniversary of the Soviet Red Army. pictured with Ms […]