This is Miss Smart’s third grade class, 1928. Lois Harrison is in the second fifth from the left
This is Miss Smart’s third grade class, 1928. Lois Harrison is in the second fifth from the left
the bobbsiest gals of Clayton, Washington Clayton Campfire Group in 1921. Row 1- Jacquline Swanback, Francis Wind, Mae Huffman, Mary Turconi, Alice Colvin. Row 2- Thelma Hansen, Mable Link, Ariel […]
warning, this photo is highly phonographic Frances Marie Wind Wieshaar, born December 28th, 1914 and died December 1st, 1999, and her little Sister Vera born in 1920
Miss Sherwood’s Clayton School 1st grade, 1926. Lois Harrison is in the middle row on left