TCU Freshman Base Ball, featuring Kathryn ‘Babe’ Haden early 1920s, Fort Worth, Texas
Annie Potts has a leg up on Rick Moranis in Ghostbusters II
Vancouver Amazons with the Alpine Club Cup in the 1921–22 season
Pikes Peak girls basketball champions, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Kay MacBeth, back row, top right, is seen in this photograph of the 1940 Edmonton Grads in their final season
someone forgot their jersey for team photo day!by Markham Studios, The Dalles, Oregon
Crystal Springs High School girls basketball team, Mississippi photo by Luther Hamilton
Cadillac touring car with Fleishhacker Swimming Club, San Francisco, circa 1927
LVPHS women’s basketball team, 1926-1927
The (Delaware) State College for Colored Students’ 1932-1933 women’s basketball team first row (left to right) – Doris Grant, Lillian Rhodes, Captain Lucille Brown, Clanetta Davis, Frances Murray second row […]