get your house in order – the guests are soon to arrive!!
get your house in order – the guests are soon to arrive!!
Wallace Beery, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer star projects some home movies for the entertainment of his family, including his wife Mrs. Rita Beery, his daughter Carol Ann, age 2 years, and favorite dog […]
sunny dispositions
Eleanor Walsh Wood and her mother, 1924
one, two, glee
Gloria Vanderbilt, age 2, held by her mother Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt shortly after the death of her father, Reginald Vanderbilt, 1926
daddy’s little girldaughter’s big daddy
G. W. Watson with his daughter Elisn and the family dog, circa 1925
Sir Gerald du Maurier, at Cannon Hall, Hampstead, with his two daughters, Jeanne and the teenage Daphne, 1923
somehow this is an ad for cigarettes