Debs who helped serve White House Reception to Vets, June 27, 1929
Washington debutantes rehearsing for a comedy, March 25, 1925
Navy Debutantes group, November 20, 1923
Debutantes of Columbia Hospital Benefit Committee, November 18, 1924 [guess what? I was born at Columbia Hospital!]
Debutantes, October 8, 1923
a splendor in the grass for this group of Debutantes, Rajah’s Garden, May 22, 1924
debs as waitresses at horse show, May 20, 1925
Debs at Twin Oaks – spring fete for neighborhood house, May 14, 1925
debutantes to serve as waitresses at horse show, May 12, 1925
Washington, DC debutantes rehearsing for comedy, March 25, 1925