Rei Kawakubo, December 1985
Mademoiselle Darmora des Folies Bergère by Waléry for Paris Plaisirs, December 1930
students of the Royal Academy Art School with a model duck which is one of their stunts for the Chelsea Arts Ball, December 13, 1929
guests celebrate at a New Year’s Eve party at Deauville Restaurant on Regent Street in London, December 31, 1929 photo by J. A. Hampton
Cupid, 4-year-old British film star Deidre Gale, introduces the ‘Birth of 1935’ at midnight on New Year’s Eve at the Piccadilly Hotel, London, December 31, 1934
historicaltimes: 12/29/31 – Havana, Cuba: Sloppy Joe, Jr., just four years of age and having two years behind the bar, is celebrating his graduation from apprenticeship. Sloppy Joe Jr., is […]
Jean and Myrtle Cheers listening to a crystal set radio in their backyard, Brunswick, Christmas 1923. The set was made by their brother Ronald Cheers, when he was 20
Christmas dinner, consisting of potatoes, cabbage and pie, in the home of Earl Pauley, Near Smithfield, Iowa, December 1936
Lady Duchoiselle giving toys to Welfare Services’ children, December 22, 1933
Sir Arthur and Lady Boscawen, with the assistance of the Pangbourne Dramatic and Musical Guild, were responsible for the production of the pantomime Cinderella Up To Date, played at the […]