Daily Vacation Bible School – Fort Street Presbyterian Church, Detroit photo by Harvey C Jackson, 1922
two women apply their thinking power to the new fad, the IMP puzzle game, Detroit, Michigan, January 30, 1934
playing gypsies in Detroit
JR Hirschfield of Detroit choosing models for American Styles Creation Contest – August 30, 1927
registering & packing Goodfellow sweaters at the Home Institute of the Detroit News, November 8, 1937
Woolworth employee sit-in strikes of 1937, Detroit & New York Frank Winfield Woolworth opened the ‘Woolworth’s Great Five Cent Store’ in Utica, New York, on February 22, 1878. The store […]
Detroit Society members Mrs George Coleman Booth, Mrs J Frazer Whitehead, and Ms Francis Booth, 1929
Colleen Moore comes back to Detroit with famous doll house, January 6th, 1938