Mill worker’s children eating watermelon on porch of rented house. Six miles north of Roxboro, North Carolina, July 1939 by Dorothea Lange
Mill worker’s children eating watermelon on porch of rented house. Six miles north of Roxboro, North Carolina, July 1939 by Dorothea Lange
lunch at a restaurant for unemployed people, Berlin, Weimar Republic, 1933
Firn Ice Cream poster by Carl Moos, 1924
a swimmingly good picnicphoto by Harry Mellon Rhoads
in the picnic of time
spoon fed
Charles Lindbergh’s banquet in the Crown Room of the Hotel del Coronado, Coronado, California, 1927
you know where this one’s going…
Colleen Moore despairs at the table manners of two mucky children in a scene from the 1926 film Irene, directed by Alfred E Green for First National. The girl is […]