GOLF AND TENNIS NOTABLES INVADE HOLLYWOOD: Helen Wills, three times national tennis champion, paid her first visit to Hollywood when she called on Colleen Moore and watched the star filming […]
group photo
best dressed and ready to go!
someone forgot their jersey for team photo day!by Markham Studios, The Dalles, Oregon
Residents of Martha Cook Residence Hall in costume, Halloween, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1923 from the scrapbook of A. Grace Edmonds
diamond heads
Swimming Team, Harlem, 1925 by James Van Der Zee
Camp Bobbed
recital for students of the Morita sisters, September 9, 1938 Michiko Morita (front row, far left) taught piano, Fumiko Morita (front row, far right) taught violin. Front row, third from […]
sunny honeys