Degree of Honor Junior Members
group photo
Rotary, Kiwanis Garden Party, Kiwanis gypsies, June 17, 1924
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heads down, smiles up
a boat to nowhere
Board of Health nurses pose on the steps of Palama Settlement in this 1935 photo. Nurses were educated there, and at the Queen’s Hospital School of Nursing, Hawaii’s first accredited […]
Tarsila do Amaral Exposition in Rio de Janeiro in 1929 from left to right – Pagu, Anita Malfatti, Tarsila do Amaral, Elsie Houston, Benjamin Péret and Eugênia Álvaro Moreyra
Nashville Missouri Christian Church, 1925 or 1926
workers at the flour mills of Rank & Sons, Birkenhead, Lancashire, England 1910s photo by George P. Lewis
1931 wedding of Constance Bennett and the French nobleman Henri de la Falaise (former Mr Gloria Swanson) at the Fitzmaurice ménage some of the guests included – Diana Fitzmaurice, Marion Davies, […]