rest stop
group photo
cannon ballers, Sevastopol, Crimea
a Tom Thumb wedding in Crystal Springs, Mississippi
Edward A Prinz, right, with his son LeRoy. The dancers are, from left, Esther Pressman, Dene Myles, Bonita Barker, Dorothy Thompson, Kay Gordon and Beula McDonald, rehearsing for a sequence […]
Princeville, Illinois Girls Scouts Front Row – Ruth Henry, Vivian Vogel, Thelma Fredell, Eleanor Matthews, Virginia Henson, Gladys Muller, Elizabeth Gray Second Row – Eleanor Streitmatter, Glyda Swisher, Mary Auten, […]
pressed benchers by I.S. Halpern
an oars-agy, Sydney, Australia, circa 1930
artists’ carnival in Cologne, 1931 by August Sander
happy wedding day, with not many smiles