Carole Lombard and Janet Gaynor share a birthday, and smiles with Jimmy Stewart
Carole Lombard and Janet Gaynor share a birthday, and smiles with Jimmy Stewart
Mr Smith Goes To Washington Kissington
James Stewart and Carole Lombard are Made for Each Other (1939)
if you’ve never seen Hitchcock’s Rope, you might as well not have eyes
Georgine Darcy (January 14, 1936 – July 18, 2004) is looking for Mr Torso on the set of 1954’s Rear Window
thank you It’s A Wonderful Life, for being probably the greatest movie of all time, and for always making me cry like a baby or like a grown adult
Helen Walker (born July 17, 1920 – March 10, 1968) calls upon Jimmy Stewart in 1948’s Call Northside 777
James ‘Jimmy’ Stewart (May 20, 1908 – July 2, 1997) was Born To Dance!!
wish Clarence gave George Bailey the chance to see what his life would have been like had he married Violet Bick instead of Mary Hatch!!!! HUBBA HUBBA!!!! YOWZERS […]