July 31st – HC Day – haircut day for Jackie Coogan in Johnny Get Your Hair Cut
July 31
three London girls, Miss Elizabeth McNabb, daughter of Surgeon-Rear-Admiral Sir Daniel McNabb, Miss HMDodds, and Miss E Brightman, have established themselves as women decorators. So good is their work that […]
Plano camp gals playing in the Fox River during a heat wave, Illinois, July 31, 1930
Norah Baring & Herbert Marshall get caught up in Hitchcock’s Murder!, released in the UK on July 31, 1930
The Shadow debuted on July 31, 1930, as the mysterious narrator of the Street and Smith radio program Detective Story Hour. After gaining popularity among the show’s listeners, the narrator […]
reception at the Municipal Building’s radio room, New York, July 31, 1929